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COPPER FREE MIRROR is produced by the conveyor, wet deposition method. The high quality float glass is thoroughly cleaned by the application of cleaners and passing contact with oscillating scrub brush unites. After clearing and rinsing, the surface of the glass is sensitized with a diluted solution of tin chloride and copper free nitrate is sprayed onto the sensitized surface of the glass along with other chemical configurations and lacquering.
Our copper-free mirror that is not only durable and environmentally friendly, it can help a building project achieve LEED certification and be designated a "green" building for adapting the green environmental friendly biological requirements in the world, especially in Europe, America and other regions nowadays.
Thickness: from 3mm-8mm

Sizes: 2440/2250/2134x3660mm, 2440/2250/2134x3300mm, 2440/2250/2134 x 3050mm, 1830x2440mm, 1500x2000mm and other sizes can be available on request
Highly reflective

True image reflectance with virtually no distortion

  Decorative edge options: beveled, penciled, polished, fluted

Humidity resistant

Industry leading warranty

Superior ferric chloride resistance

Reduces occurrence of black edge corrosion

Significantly increased resistance to ammoniated household cleaners

Improved resistance to mastics containing acetic acid and oxides

Competitive price